Legalise cannabis says Hollywood star Amanda Seyfried, who thinks it's a 'wonderful thing'

The start of Ted 2 says current drugs laws make no sense, and reckons it's about time we free the weed

Monday 13 July 2015 09:16 BST
Amanda Seyfreid wants to see cannabis legalised
Amanda Seyfreid wants to see cannabis legalised (Getty)

Amanda Seyfried has spoken out in favour of cannabis today, suggesting current drug laws just make no sense.

The star of Mamma Mia! told The Sunday Times she thinks cannabis is a “wonderful thing, and lots of people use it responsibly, and it should be legal.”

The actress, who shot to fame in the 2004 hit Mean Girls, stars in the Hollywood summer blockbuster Ted 2, which was released last week in the UK. Seyfried plays the role of Samantha Leslie Jackson in the adult comedy sequel, in which character is partial to the occasional hit on a bong.

Despite not being a fan of the class B drug herself, saying due to her anxiety condition that it would be "the worst thing ever" for her, Seyfried reckons it’s time we relaxed drug laws here in the UK.

"I don't understand how people can die all the time from alcohol poisoning,” Seyfried commented, “yet pot is so stigmatised. They could have put a bong in every scene as far as I'm concerned."

A recent study found that cannabis is "114 times less deadly than alcohol."

Seyfried may not smoke pot herself, but she has got a penchant for taxidermy, with a collection of dead animals that includes a fox, an owl, a goat and a baby horse.

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