Kim Kardashian-West answers criticism from Bette Midler, Piers Morgan and Chloe Moretz over nude selfie


Heather Saul
Tuesday 08 March 2016 09:51 GMT
Kim Kardashian
Kim Kardashian (Jason Merritt/Getty Images)

It's remarkable how quickly people will disparage or dismiss Kim Kardashian-West, a woman who has built an ever-expanding empire and amassed a fortune most people could only dream of.

The internet is at it's most unforgiving when the reality TV star/model/designer is wearing little or no clothes or exuding any kind of sexuality.

While Kardashian-West often chooses to stay silent instead of feeding her many trolls, on Tuesday she decided to remind the world that while they were shouting (almost always painfully gendered, slut-shaming) insults, she was laughing all the way to the bank.

Kardashian-West divided the internet once again by sharing a picture of herself nude, with two well-placed modesty bars, with her 41.3 million followers. The image saw Piers Morgan offer to buy her some clothes, Chloe Moretz criticise her for not reinforcing the fact that women are more than their bodies, and Bette Midler suggest she should swallow the camera if she wanted to show the world something it hadn't seen before.

It seems Kardashian had finally had enough this morning and took on her most high-profile critics in a series of scathing tweets that saw Morgan question whether Kanye had taken over her Twitter feed.

Kardashian closed her tweets with the most important one - another nude, this time with the hashtag #liberated.

Read more: Why Kim Kardashian’s naked selfie shouldn't have been such a surprise

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