Jeremy Clarkson attacks Labour's Michael Dugher, saying 'we don't make Top Gear for people who wear pink ties'

The presenter claimed he was glad that the Shadow Transport Secretary didn't like the BBC2 programme

Helen Nianias
Friday 27 February 2015 10:38 GMT
‘Top Gear’ star Jeremy Clarkson
‘Top Gear’ star Jeremy Clarkson (Getty Images)

Jeremy Clarkson delivered a bizarre insult to Labour MP Michael Dugher after the politician said he had "no time for" the Top Gear host.

Dugher said in an interview that he disliked the "petrolhead" image Clarkson put across, and dismissed Top Gear as "a bunch of old blokes wearing jeans", thereby sparking an almost surreal disagreement.

“Jeremy Clarkson – I have no time for him,” the Shadow Transport Secretary said in an interview with The House.

"It’s not just his politics. I mean the guy is basically an idiot," Dugher added. "And the idea that he is somehow the motorists’ representative? No he’s not, he represents himself. He’s not remotely representative of motorists."

Shadow Transport Secretary Michael Dugher
Shadow Transport Secretary Michael Dugher

Dugher also criticised the programme for being out of touch with the majority of drivers. "We’ve got to stop that caricaturing of a petrolhead, or a Clarkson. Top Gear, a bunch of old blokes wearing jeans and sports jackets? They’re not remotely representative."

However, Clarkson tweeted it was "good" that Dugher didn't like the show, because of the colour of tie he sometimes wears.

Dugher also said: “I don’t watch the programme, it’s not my kind of telly” during the interview, which Clarkson took exception to.

The exchange was rounded off by Dugher confirming that he did wear pink ties sometimes.

Dugher also discussed how Labour would change tax for motorists, so Clarkson took the opportunity to criticise Labour's tax policy, telling Dugher: "You don't need to tax people's cars if you're going to tax them for having houses."

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