Jean-Christophe Novelli's eight-week-old son diagnosed with cancer

Celebrity chef's son Valentino undergoing treatment for Neuroblastoma cancer

Olivia Blair
Saturday 05 November 2016 12:40 GMT
Jean-Christophe Novelli
Jean-Christophe Novelli (REX Features)

The celebrity chef Jean-Christophe Novelli has said his eight-week-old son has cancer.

Valentino Novelli is now undergoing treatment after he was diagnosed Neuroblastoma cancer, a cancer of specialised nerve cells, after a lump was detected in his neck.

A spokesman for the chef said: “Jean-Christophe’s priority at this time is supporting his family as they deal with this devastating news, it is still very early days but they remain positive and believe the NHS experts are doing everything possible.

“Jean has had to postpone all his immediate work over the next two weeks to be with his baby and support his family but is grateful for the understanding and support during this very difficult time.”

Neuroblastoma cancer is the second most common form of tumour in children and affects around 100 children, most of them under five-years-old, in the UK every year.

Novelli and his fiancee Michelle welcomed Valentino in September and featured in a magazine spread with him last month where the chef spoke of his joy at becoming a father for the fourth time.

The 55-year-old is best known for being a Head Chef, along with Gary Rhodes, on Hell’s Kitchen in 2005. He also runs his own cooking academy in Hertfordshire and has opened numerous restaurants throughout his career.

The news of Valentino’s illness came on the same day it was announced Michael Buble’s three-year-old Son Noah has been diagnosed with cancer.

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