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Gwyneth Paltrow on why she's 'incredibly close to the common woman'

Her lifestyle website Goop may sell £1000 clothes, but the actress and entrepreneur reckons she's an average Jane

Helen Nianias
Wednesday 18 March 2015 11:14 GMT
Gwyneth Paltrow said she has lots in common with average women
Gwyneth Paltrow said she has lots in common with average women

Gwyneth Paltrow has defended herself against claims that she's out of touch with the vast majority of women.

When asked on CNN Money whether she was remotely close to the common woman, Paltrow said: "I am incredibly close to the common woman in that I am a woman and I'm a mother."

The founder of the Goop lifestyle brand added: "We are all in a physical body with beating hearts and compassion and love - we are all seekers, we all want questions we all want fulfillment, we want to live our best lives, we want to be healthy and happy and squeeze the most we can out of life. I think that's all women."

Paltrow was a devoted follower of the macrobiotic diet for many years, which bans gluten and refined foods. She now heartily endorses juice diets and regular detoxes (some of which are available on Goop for £290).

The Oscar-winning actress-turned-entrepreneur also said that people who think she's divorced from reality just haven't bothered finding out what Goop is about: "I always say when people make that false assumption it's because people haven't actually gone to the site to see what we're selling and see what we're about. We have products on the site that are under $10."

She also refuted the "lifestyle guru" label, saying: "I see myself as an actor and a mother and an entrepreneur. I don't see myself as a guru at all."

Paltrow explained that Goop aimed to help time-poor women get as much done as possible by "curating" an environment that allowed them to buy things and explore ideas in one place.

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