Goldie: Dance music pioneer awarded MBE by Prince Charles

50-year-old has contribution to British music industry formally recognised during ceremony at Buckingham Palace

Katie Grant
Thursday 25 February 2016 01:44 GMT
Musician and DJ Goldie, whose real name is Clifford Price, holds his MBE award outside Buckingham Palace
Musician and DJ Goldie, whose real name is Clifford Price, holds his MBE award outside Buckingham Palace (PA)

Another piece of precious metal for Goldie’s collection?

This addition is arguably the most valuable so it’s no wonder the pioneer of British dance music was flashing his trademark smile of gold-capped teeth, having been made an MBE by the Prince of Wales.

I never had Prince Charles down as a hip-hop fan.

Goldie made his name with the 1995 album Timeless, which is often described as one of the landmark British releases of that decade. His contribution to the British music industry was formally recognised during an Investiture ceremony at Buckingham Palace. He was listed in the programme under his real name, Clifford Price.

He looks pleased as punch, nevertheless…

The performer and musician, who helped put the underground sounds of drum and bass and jungle on the mainstream map described the honour as “a bit of a shocker” but said it was “a very beautiful thing to happen”. He also called for more support in the arts, which he credited with saving his life.

What did he say?

“Art and music is so important for young people - the arts need to be supported and I think there are so many Clifford Prices out there like me," said Goldie, 50, who was raised in the care system and grew up around the West Midlands. "Music and art well and truly saved my life really – the light switched on when I discovered art," he revealed.

Is he going to use his clout to help others now?

He’s been working with young people for years, but he plans to step things up now. "This is where the work begins really,” Goldie said. "It's nice to be recognised but it's also nice to say 'That can work as leverage to make things better and change things'," he added.

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