Gabrielle Union on naked photo hacking: 'Where are all the women's groups, the feminists, demanding justice?'

The actress was among those to have intimate images leaked online

Antonia Molloy
Friday 07 November 2014 12:06 GMT
Gabrielle Union was targeted shortly after getting married
Gabrielle Union was targeted shortly after getting married (Getty)

Gabrielle Union has said that feminists should be “demanding justice” over the celebrity photo hacking scandal.

The Bring It On actress said the release of hundreds of private images was "a targeted attack, a hate crime against women" and "a new form of sexual abuse".

In an interview published in Cosmopolitan, Union spoke candidly about having her privacy violated just days after getting married to her husband Dwayne Wade.

"All of [the photos] had been shot and deleted years ago. Yet there they were, online for the world to see. I felt extreme anxiety, a complete loss of control. I suddenly understood that deleting things means nothing."

However, the women’s and girls’ rights advocate said she has refused let the hackers subdue her. "I felt an urgent need to speak out — I didn't see silence as an option,"she said.

And she questioned why others were not doing the same. "Where are all the women's groups, the feminists, demanding justice in this case? The silence is deafening. Any time you lose control over your body, it's a violation and a crime."

She added: "In addition, some of the stolen photos reportedly depict women when they were underage — that's child pornography. I hope people think about all these things when they consider clicking on these private images."

Union said there is a misconception that the public has a right to celebrities’ bodies just because they are in the public eye, but she disparaged this idea.

"If I show my husband my naked body, it doesn't mean everyone gets to see it," she said.

Union said she was continuing to go about her life and urged others to do the same in the wake of the large-scale hacking involving over 100 high-profile names, including Jennifer Lawrence, Rihanna, Cara Delevingne, Kirsten Dunst, Arianna Grande, Victoria Justice and Kate Upton.

The FBI and Apple are both conducting investigations into the apparent widespread invasion of personal accounts thought to be connected to the iCloud service.

Meanwhile, Google has removed links to two websites that were hosting stolen nude photos of Jennifer Lawrence after the domains were reported by the actor’s lawyers.

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