Diary: Is Keith to walk the plank?

Following the Mel Gibson fiasco, more from the controversial world of the celebrity cameo. Rumours raced around Hollywood yesterday that Disney is considering cutting Keith Richards' scenes from Pirates of the Caribbean 4, after his autobiography, Life, exposed the shocking revelation that the rock guitarist, 66, has taken drugs. The Drudge Report broke the news, courtesy of a "well-placed entertainment source", which could mean anyone from Steven Spielberg to the guy who dresses as Goofy at Disneyland. The allegedly concerned Disney execs are, I presume, aware of Richards' friendship with their star Johnny Depp, who based his character Jack Sparrow on Richards. When he first met Depp, Richards, who plays Sparrow's dad in the film franchise, reportedly thought he was his son's drug dealer. Depp, meanwhile, narrates the audiobook version of Richards' memoir – including the passages about his foolproof drug-taking methods. "I was very meticulous about how much I took," the raddled rocker writes.
* For just £10,000 or thereabouts, you could be the proud owner of a classic "Margrave" Mini that once belonged to a Lord. One snag: the peer in question is Lord Archer of Weston-Super-Mare, aka Jeffrey. The 1988 model Mini, which he had refitted with a luxury interior during the Nineties, has since passed through another owner's hands and is now being resold on eBay by Mini specialists Wood and Pickett. This particular little car has special significance: it was the vehicle in which Lord Archer allegedly enjoyed an extramarital encounter with his alleged former mistress, Sally Farmiloe, in a Mayfair car park. Michael Standring of Wood and Pickett assures me that the seats are fully reclining. Still, if it were me I'd have used the Jaguar.
Standring is also selling a letter on Lord Archer's headed notepaper, in which the peer complains that Wood and Pickett (who performed its original upgrade) took too long to complete the refit.
The Archers remain Mini fans despite the car's sordid associations: Lord Archer, 70, was spotted chauffeuring a mystery blonde in his wife's Mini Cooper just a fortnight ago.
* Simon Pegg feels a littleunder-appreciated by the Coalition. He and his fellow film types got a raw deal in the CSR, he told me at the premiere of his low-budget historical horror comedy Burke and Hare. "We always take a beating when the Tories get in," the writer/actor/comedian lamented. "It's really important for people to express themselves, but we're not considered important. We make brilliant films when we're allowed to. Why stifle creativity?"
From atop his high horse, Pegg sounded a warning note: "You can't expect actors to stay here when there's no funding or support." Sounds a bit like a banker. Or Michael Caine.
* The late Bob Guccione – founder of Penthouse magazine – harboured a passion undeclared to the masturbating masses. Not only was he one of the world's leading pornographers, he was also probably (and improbably) its biggest private investor in fusion technology. Guccione, who died last week, was fascinated by an interview with scientist Robert Bussard in one of his titles and funded Bussard's nuclear energy firm to the tune of $17m (£10.7m) between 1980 and 1984. Fusion and porn... Did they play "Come Together" at the funeral?
* A message from beyond the political grave of Labour's former future leader, Miliband (D), who broke his long silence yesterday. After lying dormant since 25 September, twitter.com/dmiliband suddenly sprang into life at around 2.30pm. "This is a test tweet," it whispered into the echoing abyss. Is there anyone there? Can you still hear me?
* No doubt you've heard that a major new publication reached newsagent shelves yesterday. I speak, of course, of GA7ZETTA, the gentlemen's edition of Grazia magazine. On the cover: Roberto Mancini – reportedly "The REAL winner in the week that rocked Manchester."
I imagine the stylish Italian was earmarked for the slot before his team's 3-0 loss to Arsenal on Sunday.
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