Diary: Clooney falls for wrestler

As this column suggested just a month ago, George Clooney has a reputation as a "guy's guy" that left onlookers less than surprised when he and his long-term lady friend, Elisabetta Canalis, recently split. Sources suggest, however, that the star may have found someone else to roll around on the floor with already: a former professional wrestler, no less. Stacy Keibler, the fighter in question, is famous for having particularly long legs and has, in her time, been nicknamed "The legs of WCW", "Super Stacy", "The Weapon of Mass Seduction" and "The Duchess of Dudleyville".
* Back to the 2012 London mayoral race, where alleged babydaddy Boris Johnson remains the pollster's favourite. However, his upmarket fundraising tactics have, I'm told, failed to attract as many wealthy donors as Team Boris had hoped. In June this column brought news of "Club 305", the Mayor's new "private members' club" for elite backers. Membership costs £2,012 (geddit?), and the expected 305 members were to meet for the first time last month. Only, says my Boris-based source, the take-up was – ahem – "lower than expected". In fact, numbers are currently "less than 50 per cent" of what was hoped for. Apparently, the recruitment drive will increase its efforts at the Conservative Party conference in the autumn. In the meantime, humble, salt-of-the-earth supporters can also make their voices heard: give a mere £12 to his campaign, and five donors will be randomly selected to meet Boris and "personally share their priorities for London". Five: just 300 fewer than 305.
* Jacob Rees-Mogg, the honourable member for North-East Somerset, once canvassed with the help of the nanny, and shared use of an exclusive loo at Claridge's with the King of Spain. So far, so factual. But he has an online alter ego – Twitter prankster @JakeReesMogg – whose imagined activities are just plausible enough to have reached the pages of certain national newspapers, credited (much to his annoyance) to the real Mr Rees-Mogg. For instance: "My wife is not called Sue, we did not meet in the frozen fish section of Cheam Sainsbury's and I have never owned a lettuce farm" and "Our three-year-old killed a pheasant this morning, leaving me with a terrible dilemma: What does one do with an out of season bird?" Also: "The three-year-old referred to in my previous tweet is a labrador." Now, the real Mr Rees-Mogg is looking into having the bogus @JakeReesMogg shut down to avoid further confusion. "I think any sensible person would realise it was a fake site," he told the Bath Chronicle. "I don't even have a labrador."
* Edinburgh is giddy in anticipation of the year's hottest Fringe ticket: a festival appearance by Stuart Baggs, breakout star of the sixth series of The Apprentice. According to the press release, the "cheeky but loveable rogue" (who "still inspires daily hate mail") will make a one-off appearance in front of an "intimate audience" on Saturday 27 August, to deliver some trademark "witty banter". Says one arts journalist, who may or may not work for this very newspaper, "I saw him at some comedy awards a while back. He killed the room. Not in a good way."
* And, while I'm in the area, The Scotsman reports that Scotland's top cop is the strong favourite to become the next commissioner of the Met. No, it's not John Rebus; it's Strathclyde Police chief Stephen House, and senior Met officials have supposedly invited him to apply for the post with the endorsement of both Mayor Johnson and the Home Secretary, Theresa May. House was born in Glasgow but has already served as an assistant commissioner at the Met. This year he has been conspicuously occupied tackling the violent crime surges associated with Old Firm football matches. It is unclear at the time of writing whether he supports Celtic or Rangers, which is probably for the best.
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