Game of Thrones: Channel 4's Jon Snow sits on the Iron Throne

Is the broadcaster trolling fans of the show? Maybe

Chris Mandle
Thursday 12 November 2015 13:37 GMT

Jon Snow has finally conquered the Iron Throne.

Not the fictional character in HBO’s Game of Thrones, but the Channel 4 news anchor, who shared a photo on Twitter of him jubilantly sitting on pop culture’s most iconic seat.

“Winter really MUST be coming!” he told his 826,000 followers as he shared the picture on Twitter.

The fact the news reader shares a name with one of the show’s most popular characters has produced countless memes and in-jokes.

The other Jon Snow is the illegitimate son of Ned Stark, and one of the show’s most popular characters.

Sadly, though, he was not named after the broadcaster with the jazzy socks.

In Game of Thrones children born out of wedlock are given a surname which reflects the region they were born, rather than the noble house name that legitimate children receive.’

'Snow’ is given to children born out of wedlock in the Northern part of Westeros, while other regions call their bastards “Sand”, “Stone”, or “Rivers”.

So while the fate of one Jon Snow hangs in the balance, it’s good to know there’s a back-up ready to assume his position before Season Six starts in April.

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