Caitlyn Jenner admits she could be sent to a men's prison for a year over fatal car crash

‘It's an enormous problem that they would put trans-women in men’s county jail'

Loulla-Mae Eleftheriou-Smith
Wednesday 09 September 2015 17:23 BST
Caitlyn Jenner said it would be the worst case scenario
Caitlyn Jenner said it would be the worst case scenario

Caitlyn Jenner has spoken about the fatal car crash in Malibu she was involved in earlier this year, stating that the “worst case scenario" would see her sentenced to a year in a men's prison.

Speaking on the US programme Today, Jenner said she barely remembered the events of the crash, but maintains that she was driving under the speed limit at the time of the accident, in which one woman died and several people were injured.

Jenner told presenter Matt Lauer she could not discuss the incident fully due to ongoing litigation, but admitted the “worst case scenario" would see her sent to a male county jail.

"It's an enormous problem that they would put trans-women in men's county jail," she told the programme. “But those are things we're looking into.”

Prosecutors are currently deciding whether or not to charge Jenner in connection with the fatal accident, though legal experts doubt she would be sent to jail if she were found guilty, the LA Times reports.

Jenner was behind the wheel of the black SUV that was involved in the crash on Pacific Highway in Malibu, California, in February, and faced legal action earlier this year from the two stepchildren of Kim Howe, who was killed in the crash, for “wrongful death”.

The former athlete was later reportedly facing further legal action by the driver of a second vehicle involved in the crash for injuries sustained and loss of wages, which Jenner reportedly sought to have rejected by the court.

Five survivors in the crash have reportedly sued the estate of Howe, accusing the late woman of negligent driving.

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