The Black Keys' Patrick Carney claims 'sad and pathetic' Jack White tried to fight him in a bar in latest episode of rock feud

Jack White has told Carney to 'quit whining to the internet and speak face to face like a human being'

Loulla-Mae Eleftheriou-Smith
Monday 14 September 2015 16:59 BST
Jack White and Patrick Carney appear to have cleared things up... for now
Jack White and Patrick Carney appear to have cleared things up... for now (Getty Images)

The ongoing feud between Jack White and The Black Keys appeared to have come to an end last year when the former White Stripes singer apologised for his comments about the band "ripping off" his sound.

But now The Black Keys' drummer Patrick Carney has claimed that White attempted to fight him in a bar in New York on Sunday night.

In a series of tweets that have since been deleted, Carney described the alleged incident while calling White "sad and pathetic”, a “40-year-old bully” and “Billy Corgan's dumb ass zero T-shirt in human form”.

The tweets read: “I've never met Jack White.

“Until last night.

“He came to a bar in NYC I go to a lot with a few friends and tried to fight me.

"I don’t fight and don’t get fighting but he was mad!!!”

"He is why I play music. The bully assholes who made me feel like nothing. Music was a private non-competitive thing.

“Not sure what he's unhappy with cuz I just liked Zeppelin a lot and wanted to play guitar. Cut my pinky off and ended up being a drummer.

“Not the best drummer but a passionate one. But anyway Jack White. A 40-year-old bully tried to fight the 35 year old nerd.

“It might get loud but it might also get really really sad and pathetic.

“Jack White is basically Billy Corgan's dumb ass zero t-shirt in human form.”

White has since responded to Carney's claims. In a statement released to Pitchfork, White said: “Nobody tried to fight you, Patrick. Nobody touched you or ‘bullied' you. You were asked a question you couldn’t answer so you walked away.

“So quit whining to the internet and speak face to face like a human being. End of story.”

White has made repeated assertions that the Black Keys have "ripped off" his sounds, but last year he apologised for his comments and said: “I wish the band the Black Keys all the success that they can get.”

Since White made his comments to Pitchfork the pair appear to have made up, as Carney later tweeted: “Talked to Jack for an hour he’s cool. All good.”

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