New sculpture of the Queen does not look like Tom Hanks, artist's spokesman states

Mr Chen made the sculpture to celebrate the UK-China year of Cultural Exchange

Olivia Blair
Monday 02 November 2015 17:20 GMT

The spokesperson for an artist who sculptured a bust of Queen Elizabeth II has denied it looks like Tom Hanks.

The sculpture was made by Chinese artist Chen Dapeng and is being shown at Kensington Olympia in London, reports the Daily Telegraph.

It portrays the head of Queen Elizabeth “bursting out as a flower from a bud” and is made of Chinese white porcelain. It weighs 20 pounds and reportedly took 13 attempts.

Mr Chen presented his work at a press conference
Mr Chen presented his work at a press conference (REX features)

Despite the hard work put into the project, it was criticised by The Telegraph’s art critic Mark Hudson, who said: “I’m afraid it doesn’t really look like the Queen, that’s the first thing that strikes you.”

“It’s rather out of proportion, the back of the head is too large and he has given her a bit of a boxer’s chin. It’s ended up looking a bit like Tom Hanks.”

“But it has a certain exuberance and if you like kitsch then why not? Good for him.”

When asked about the comments, a spokesperson for Mr Chen told The Independent: “Does Tom Hanks wear a gold crown? Come on!”

The sculpture, which was accordingly made to celebrate the UK-China Year of Cultural Exchange is being shown at the Olympia as part of the Winter Art and Antiques fair.

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