Ariana Grande alleged doughnut-licking footage investigated by police after singer filmed saying 'I hate America'

The Problem singer has apologised over footage of her 'licking doughnuts' in a store while staff were not looking

Heather Saul
Wednesday 15 July 2015 12:17 BST
Ariana Grande
Ariana Grande (Getty Images)

California police are investigating a video purporting to show Ariana Grande “maliciously licking” doughnuts in a shop while a staff member’s back was turned.

Leaked security footage from a Wolfee Donuts store in Elsinore published by TMZ appears to show Grande licking doughnuts on a tray placed on a countertop.

When another tray is brought out, Grande can be heard saying: "What the f*** is that? I hate Americans. I hate America. That’s disgusting.”

Mayra Solis, a Wolfee Donuts employee, told the Associated Press the singer was “really rude”.

Grande apologised in a statement after the incident and blamed her outburst at her frustration over unhealthy eating habits in America.

"I am EXTREMELY proud to be an American and I've always made it clear that I love my country. What I said in a private moment with my friend, who was buying the doughnuts, was taken out of context and I am sorry for not using more discretion with my choice of words," the statement read.

"The fact that the United States has one of the highest child obesity rates in the world frustrates me. We need to do more to educate ourselves and our children about the dangers of overeating and the poison that we put into our bodies," she said.

"However I should have known better in how I expressed myself; and with my new responsibility to others as a public figure I will strive to be better."

Elsinore Police and the Riverside County Department of Environmental Health told AP they were investigating the video.

The 22-year-old also cancelled a performance at the MLB All-Star Concert on Saturday, but denied her reason for cancelling was related to the footage.

“I have had emergency oral surgery and due to recovery I cannot attend the show," she said. "That being said let me once again apologise if I have offended anyone with my poor choice of words."

The Independent has contacted Grande's publicist for comment.

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