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Appointments: Service appointments

Friday 26 August 1994 23:02 BST

The following senior Service appointments have been announced by the Ministry of Defence:



Commanders: AD Auld - Pretoria; KR Doney - MOD London; PJ Linstead-Smith - Staff of 2SL/CNH; JEV Madgwick - SHAPE Belgium; TJ Phillips - Illustrious; PA Quinn - Staff of FOSF; NB Stefanie - Centurion.

Retirement: Cdr RM Grainger.


Brigadier: JP Weller - to be Comd HQ 143 (WM) Bde.

Colonels: NHC Brown - to 24 Liaison HQ; JW Davey - to MOD; NB Muir - to SHAPE Staff (BAE); DS Jolliffe - to HQ EDIST.

Lieutenant-Colonels: DG Benest PARA - to be CO 2 PARA; SJ Carruthers REME - to HQ REME Trg Gp; JA Forrest RLC - to BMM Kuwait; JH Gibbon RA - to be CO AMF (L) Arty; P. Gosling RLC - to HQ AFNORTHWEST; FA Ham RLC - to MOD; ML Martin R Signals - to Royal Sch of Signals; DA Wynne Davies - to MOD.

Retirements: Brigadier JP Elder; Col RA McDowall Late RA ChD.


Group Captain: RW Roser - to HQSTC.

Wing Commanders: ML Smith - to SHAPE; IS Hall - to SHAPE; J. Pitts - to BFG.

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