Page 3 Profile: Sally Bercow, wife of commons speaker John Bercow


Katie Grant
Wednesday 05 February 2014 01:00 GMT
Sally Bercow, wife of commons speaker John Bercow
Sally Bercow, wife of commons speaker John Bercow (Fred Duval/Getty)

She likes to let her hair down!

You could say that. Sally Bercow has been caught on camera looking a little worse for wear more than a few times. But now the wife of MP John Bercow, who has been the Speaker of the House of Commons since 2009, has been snapped in a clinch with another man on a night out. The Sun then felt duty-bound to print the photo accompanied by the headline “Must tongue Sally”.

Good one. Who is this mystery man?

Details have yet to emerge. The kiss occurred at a birthday party in a nightclub, and according to Ms Bercow, 44, who was criticised for appearing on Celebrity Big Brother in 2011, the gentleman in question is just a friend. Witnesses, however, claimed that the kiss looked “very intimate”.

Ooh-er, scandalous!

The media seems to be making the most of it all, but Ms Bercow is adamant she has “nothing to be ashamed of”. She said: “I don’t need to apologise to John, I’ve done nothing wrong. My marriage is my business. I couldn’t give a damn what people think. Let people judge me if they want.”

But… she’s the Speaker’s wife! Shouldn’t we all be outraged?

Some might think so. Others are asking what all the fuss is about seeing as it’s not Ms Bercow but her husband who is a public servant. That’s not to say her actions haven’t left him red-faced.

Surely this spells disaster for their marriage though?

As of yesterday that didn’t seem to be the case. “I love my husband, he is the most important man in my life,” Ms Bercow said. “I’m still very much with John… No marriage is perfect but ours works for us.”

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