Big in Belgium…?
Yes. Goedele Liekens, presenter of the country’s edition of The Weakest Link, is a former Miss Belgium and a UN Goodwill Ambassador.
What’s she doing on these shores?
Well, she’s all set to become “the Jamie Oliver of sex education”.
I think this is going to need some explanation…
Just as Oliver revolutionised school dinners, Ms Liekens is hoping her new TV series, Sex in Class, will shake up the way British schoolchildren learn about the birds and the bees – and lead to the launch of a new GCSE in the subject.
Over here and over-sexed?
Britain has been “too prudish for too long,” she told a Belgian newspaper recently. “England has just about the highest teenage pregnancy rate in Europe,” she said. “Now they have finally realised that it is best to teach youngsters about feelings, relationships and sex.”
So what should we expect?
She’s said the programme will bring children and their parents into a discussion about sex. While Liam Humphreys, Channel 4’s head of factual entertainment, said: “Some of the things acceptable [in other countries] – teaching 10-year-olds all about masturbation – is obviously going to stretch the boundaries of what is acceptable over here, but if you analyse what she is saying it makes complete sense.”
Blimey. And she’s qualified for all this?
As well as the quiz shows and beauty contests, she’s been called a “leading lady in sexology” having penned books including The Vagina Book, The Sex Bible, Her Penis Book and Start 2 Sex.
Should we be concerned?
No, Mr Humphreys assures us: “It’s completely copper-bottomed advice she is giving out.” Now, no laughing at the back!
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