YouTube's most-watched videos of the week

On YouTubers' minds this week: White House scandals and Tiger Woods's many lives. Also: users are increasingly turning their popularity into real business, and there are some new bloggers on the block.
1) ' Gibbs Compares WH Reporter To His Child' - US Press Secretary Robert Gibbs deals with a reporter at a press conference in the same way as he says he deals with his little son, causing hot debate in the country, mainly because of the reporter's dark skin color. 2 954 800 views.
2) ' DIRTY LITTLE SECRET!! (SEND TO FRIEND INTRO VID)' - YouTube regular Shane Dawson does not only sell his own t-shirts now but also got surgery this week, causing a 'get well' frenzy on the internet. 2 546 447 views.
3) ' Fred - Christmas is Creepy - Official Video' - Shane's "colleague," Fred, is taking the vlogger phenomenon even further by releasing his own music on iTunes. This is the official music video to his Christmas is creepy song. 2 011 722 views.
4) ' Sexy PETA Ad Angers Catholics Church!' - Another popular vlogger, Philip de Franco, wraps up the top entertainment stories including PETA's controversial crucifix ads and Tiger Woods's love life. 1 621 883 views.
5) ' Porn Stars and Tiger Woods' - More Philip de Franco on even more Tiger Woods. 1 581 592 views.
6) ' How sexy is your body language? (DiGiTS - Ep. 16)' - New self-declared love guru DiGiTs shows viewers how to approach a girl with class (without success). 1 522 888 views.
7) ' Katy Perry is my God' - De Franco strikes again, declaring his love for singer Katy Perry (for not the most noble reasons as one can imagine) and giving viewers an update on how to have swine flu-safe sex. 1 410 831 views.
8) ' Asian Lady Gaga' - A new vlogger is in town: Ray William Johnson brings you the possibly least professional Lady Gaga impression on the internet. 1 396 192 views.
9) ' Tiger Woods Voicemail Slow Jam Remix' - The star golfer's voicemail message to waitress Jaimee Grubbs, one of his alleged mistresses, has been turned into a spoof song and posted to YouTube. 1 108 520 views.
10) ' TWILIGHTS ON SO STFU! (SEND TO FRIEND VID)' - Shane Dawson's Shananay charcater is turning into a YouTube favorite as his 'Special Messages' series helps you send your friend the video that says it all. 1 110 444 views.
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