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<i>IoS</i> Apprentice: Tonight's the night for Kate... or will it be Yasmina?

Sunday 07 June 2009 00:00 BST

At last, The Apprentice reaches its final tonight, and Sir Alan Sugar has to choose between Kate Walsh and Yasmina Siadatan. So we asked our own apprentices – who should win?

Sean Quinney, 47, from Warwickshire; Apprenticeship Animal care and NVQ level 3

Original prediction: Philip Taylor. Final prediction: Kate Walsh

"Kate has come on strong. I have enjoyed the series but this was definitely The Apprentice goes budget. Even their rewards were naff."

Stacey Mackie, 23, Aviemore; Apprenticeship Catering

Original: Mona Lewis. Final: Kate

"Ultimately it will depend on their teams because they are bringing back the old people for the final challenge."

Cathy Fiedler, 25, Cardiff; Apprenticeship Hymenoptera (study of pollinating insects)

Original: Kate Final: Kate

"The show really isn't my thing. They have a different value system to me; they are driven by money and I am driven by the environment."

Michelle Taylor, 38, from Edinburgh; Apprenticeship Painter/decorator

Original: Kate, Final: Kate

"I take nothing away from this show except perhaps that you shouldn't be obnoxious and nasty. Kate has looked like the best of a bad bunch."

Tashaneish Crawford, 18, Kingston, Jamaica; now lives in Manchester; Apprenticeship Media production

Original: Mona Lewis. Final: Yasmina

"I found everybody very obnoxious. The show taught me to just keep working hard and never give up. Not everyone is going to like you."

Craig King, 20, from Taunton; Apprenticeship Somerset County Council finance scheme

Original: Ben Clarke. Final: Kate

"There have been funny moments. My main similarity with the show is that I never know what each day will hold."

Matthew Morrow, 19, from Brookeborough, Northern Ireland; Apprenticeship Electrical engineering and maintenance

Original: Yasmina. Final Yasmina

"It has helped teach me how to present myself at work. I'm picking Yasmina but Sir Alan might hold the fact that she has her own business against her."

Paul Dunbar, 21, from Heythan near Liverpool; Apprenticeship Creative apprentice with Unity Theatre Liverpool

Original: Yasmina. Final: Kate

"I think this series was much better than the last; there were more characters in it. I particularly enjoyed the pants man episode."

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