This week's most popular Diggs: a dog's purpose, how the iPad came to exisit

The most popular news, videos and images as picked by Digg users during the last seven days, recorded on February 9
1. A Dog's Purpose - a six year old contemplates why a dog's life is shorter than a human's and reveals it is because dogs know how to love unconditionally while it takes humans much longer to learn how to live a good life. Hosted on
2. Best Use of Mac Genie Effect. EVER - a screenshot of the Mac Genie Effect (an effect used to minimize open windows on the desktop) showing characters from the science-fiction comedy Ghost Busters finally catching a ghost. Hosted on
3. Heinz Revamps Ketchup Packets - an image hosted on showing the new packaging design for disposable Ketchup packets.
4. How The iPad Came To Exist - a picture hosted on that shows how a Super Mario Bros. mushroom 1up-ed the iPhone into an iPad.
5. Who needs drugs? - a photo hosted on of a man wearing an anti-drug "Who needs drugs" T-Shirt. On closer inspection the man's shirt has an added caption underneath reading, "No, seriously. I have drugs".
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