Talk of the Trade: Into the breach
THERE may be good reasons for the changes, but the BBC has been accused of moving too fast for its audiences, and failing to explain its policies. Into this breach steps Pamela Taylor, formerly head of public relations for the British Medical Association, who has been appointed Director of Corporate Affairs. Ms Taylor, 43, is expected to take a leading role in the battle with the Government over renewal of the BBC's Charter in 1996. Widely respected in NHS circles as a formidable lobbyist on medical matters - from smoking to seatbelts - she is well placed to take on the task of persuading and cajoling MPs to her cause. She cut her teeth in the media world with a brief spell in advertising after leaving school. A lifelong Leeds United supporter and wine buff, she is thought to have turned down a number of PR job offers, from the tobacco lobby and National Power, among others.
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