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The feral beast: Watt? Not so squeaky clean

Sunday 11 October 2009 00:00 BST

Holly Watt was one of the crack team of Telegraph reporters who exposed the expenses scandal, but her own working practices haven't always been squeaky clean.

Watt started in journalism by sneaking into News International on a friend's pass, posing as an intern. When a Sunday Times manager discovered her illegal status, she was banned for more than a month. Watt's crafty start is revealed in the book about the Telegraph scoop, No Expenses Spared, written by her colleagues. How loyal.

Pamella Bordes – the lost photos

Where is Pamella Bordes? Photo agency Camera Press is searching for the former Miss India as it has some "original material" to return to her. Bordes was romantically linked to Donald Trelford and billionaire arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi, though most frequently seen in the arms of Andrew Neil in that photo in Private Eye. What could that material contain?

A sub by any other name ...

Subs at The Guardian are furious with the paper's "readers' editor", Siobhain Butterworth, after she wrote about "journalists and sub-editors". The subs took umbrage at the implication that they were not journalists, and a correction subsequently appeared. "It's a bit rich coming from Siobhain," says one, "given she's not even a journalist but a lawyer."

Goofy lives to bark another day

I's back. Belinda Harley's feature about Goofy, her beloved rescue spaniel, has popped up in a national paper again. Once press secretary to the Prince of Wales, it's no wonder she's got the knack for recycling. The story first appeared in 2001 in the Daily Telegraph magazine, then a similar piece was in The Sunday Times last year. Now Harley is publishing a book about Goofy, so the Mail ran it all over again last weekend. Can any editor resist his doggie charms?

Hello Guardian, anyone home?

Katie Griffin, marketing director of Profile Books, has stumbled on the ideal workplace – The Guardian. After replying to an email from "editorial" at the paper, she found herself inundated with "out of office" replies, so she wrote back, saying: "I have now received hundreds – more than I would have thought you had staff at the whole organisation. It sounds like a good place to work – everyone's on holiday. Are there any jobs going?" Not any more, alas.

Associated's 26-mile party people

Showbiz hacks are usually found stalking celebs at Boujis until the small hours, so they're hardly the most likely marathon runners. But a team of Associated Newspapers diarists has entered next year's London Marathon. Led by the Mail on Sunday's Nathan Kay, the team will be panting their way round the 26-mile route to raise money for charidee. No doubt they can persuade Boujis to lay on champagne pit-stops.

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