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For the record: 29/06/2009

Alice-Azania Jarvis
Monday 29 June 2009 00:00 BST

"Every one of these expenses in my view was reasonable and was justified." BBC director-general Mark Thompson follows MPs' lead.

Jacko misses his 'Q'

The unexpected death of the world's most famous man on Thursday night has, inevitably, held varied consequences for the country's media outlets. What of Q magazine, which had planned a special "Welcome Back, Jacko" issue, in honour of the great man's return? Word is the glossy has already gone to print, though some consolation may be taken in the knowledge that it will, at least, become a collectors' item. Meanwhile, the press office at AEG Live scored some serious bad-taste points by using the opportunity for a quick marketing exercise.

Those with tickets to Jackson's "This Is It" comeback tour were greeted on Friday morning with an email advertising the Backstreet Boys' "This Is Us" tour. And, of course, who can forget the frenzy sparked by David Miliband's fake twitter account? The Foreign Secretary was clearly most upset by the rogue posing as himself online, spreading unsympathetic commentary on Jackson's death. So upset, in fact, that he instructed his department to make his own Jacko views known in a press release: "This is an apposite moment for us to point out that the Foreign Secretary does not have a Twitter account," came the email. "The FCO does, however, and you can find it here ...." But do they have a view on Jacko?

*In other news, lobby hacks, uh, lobbying newbie Speaker John Bercow to revise Commons rules banning them from drinking on the terrace without an Honourable hand-holder may have some unexpected rivals in their quest for fresh-air boozing. Commons staff complain that they aren't allowed to refresh themselves outdoors either. "Surely we should get priority," pleads one.

*Is it comeback time already for Trisha Goddard? Apparently so. Channel 5's indomitable former agony aunt has signed up with glitzy speaking agency Clive Conway Celebrity Productions, putting her in the illustrious company of Sir David Frost, John Sergeant and Ann Widdecombe. She'll be making her debut at Birmingham Town Hall in September – though won't, apparently, be doling out advice to any love-lorn couples.

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