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My Week In Media: Naoko Mori

Monday 28 January 2008 01:00 GMT

Last week I read...

There was a really interesting story in The Independent this week about a scientific breakthrough which could allow humans to live for hundreds of years. My grandmother is about to reach 103, and, although she still feels that she is young she can't do as many things as she could. The article made me think that living to 200 might not be as good as it at first sounds. I also bought Vanity Fair magazine, because they had something about the new Indiana Jones film on the front cover, and I'm a huge fan of all of those movies. On Sundays I read the News of the World, which I'm not ashamed about. Sometimes when the world's really gloomy it's a lot of fun to read about Jordan's boobs.

Last week I listened to...

I don't really sit down and listen to the radio much, I usually just have it on in the background when I'm cooking or cleaning. It's good for music, and I'll pretty much listen to anything from jazz to hip-hop to classical. But I don't tend to turn it on when I wake up. morning. I'm more visual.

Last week I watched...

On Tuesday I watched Horizon on BBC2, which was all about sensory deprivation. It underlined the fact that if someone's kept as a prisoner in isolation then there's a marked effect on their mental stability and their ability to answer questions, which is pretty scary when you think about Guantanamo. Then I watched another documentary on More 4 about the Iraq war, called No End in Sight, which was just extraordinary. I thought I knew what had gone on, but it showed how much of a shambles the whole thing was. It really wound me up, and I almost wished I hadn't watched it.

Last week I surfed...

I'm Japanese but I was raised in America, so I dip into the websites of the Daily Yomiuri, one of Japan's biggest newspapers, and the The New York Times now and then.

There seems to be an awful lot of murders and suicides amongst families in Japan at the moment, which is a bit depressing.

My first port of call is always the BBC News website, which is very reliable for breaking news. That's where I went for more information about the Oscar nominations, and of course Heath Ledger's death.

Naoko Mori stars as Toshiko Sato in 'Torchwood', which is on every Wednesday at 9pm, on BBC2

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