Media Diary: George seeks a peek
George Galloway's success in the libel courts has given him a taste for more. He is threatening author David Morley and his publisher, Methuen, over Morley's forthcoming biography of "Gorgeous George", to be published in November. Galloway's lawyers have requested an advance copy.
Baked Apple, anyone?
Those concerned about the spate of Apple laptops catching fire might think of going to the Apple website for the latest news. Sadly, though, there is no fresh info there, unless we've been looking in the wrong place. But where better than "Hot news"?
Diaries at dawn
Diary columns are all the rage on the wave of new London newspapers. In the Rupert Murdoch offering, Zoe Griffin, formerly of The Mail on Sunday, will have a two-page spread. As will the rival London Lite, whose gossip column will be edited by the Daily Mail's John McEntee with support from Alistair Foster of the Evening Standard. Meanwhile, the Standard's diary is also to be spread over two pages.
No Cam do
Kerry Smith, new editor of BA's High Life magazine, has been politely rebuffed by the office of the Tory leader. She was offering him a trip to, wait for it, Cameroon.
Not making his Mark
The annual ritual of Celebrity Big Brother castings has begun. The producers are looking for a top-notch politico to humiliate themselves (à la Galloway) once again. Endemol was quite keen to get Jeffrey Archer, but the only politician likely to want to humiliate himself even further is the disgraced former LibDem leadership candidate Mark Oaten, who fancies a Portilloesque media career after he steps down as an MP. Sadly, Oaten, a serious soul, lacks Portillo's intellect and humour. Brace yourselves for the "at home with the Oatens" features.
Smell the coffee, Julia
An invitation lands on my desk from Julia Hobsbawm's Editorial Intelligence company to a breakfast debate on "political comment after Blair". You might think such a debate might involve some Tory input, given their poll ratings. But from the cast list it seems somewhat unlikely. Adam Boulton, Chris Huhne, Peter Kellner, Helena Kennedy and Steve Richards are all singing for their breakfast.
Pink with excitement
Excitement is mounting at the announcement of the first LibDem Bloggers Awards. Already nominated are LibDem MPs Lynne Featherstone and John Hemming, but among the favourites is the Suz Blog, run by ex-Islington councillor Susanne Lamido. The kindest thing to say about her blog is that it's very pink. Best to leave it there.
Sweet persuasion
Wicked whisper: Guess which top executive at satellite TV channel Discovery successfully ensured it was shortlisted for the prestigious Channel of the Year Award at this weekend's Edinburgh TV Festival by "encouraging" staff to vote in the online poll? The big cheese arranged for chocolates to be put on the desks of all staff - and then went even further by offering a digital camera as a prize in a bid to get them all voting.
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