As voting gets underway for the United Kingdom's general election on May 6, Twitter is buzzing with posts including the terms "Labour," "Tory," "#ge2010", and "#ukvote."
The music sharing term "#nowplaying" is back at the top of the charts, moving up four places from yesterday.
"#MyOnlyQuestionIs" is trending in second place as microbloggers ask each other questions about life.
Twitter's most talked about topics are filled with UK election terms: "#ge2010" (short for General Election 2010) is in third place, "#ukvote" is in fifth place, "Labor" is in seventh place and "Tory" (the UK's Conservative Party) sits in eigth place.
"It was fun until..." "you guys had to show up and ruin it," "the lady came over and said the bouncy castle was for kids only," and "they sent the bill," say Twitter users talking aboutwhen the good times ended.
"Ohhhweeeee" is trending in ninth place after American singer Alicia Keys (@aliciakeys) posted "Unthinkable vid coming soooooonnn....Ohhhweeeee!!!" on her Twitter account.
Kpop fans are celebrating the arrival of Korean pop singer Kim Junsu on Twitter. His name, "Junsu" is trending in tenth place.
The top 10 most talked about topics on Twitter on May 6 at 10:30 AM GMT are:
1. #nowplaying (+4)
2. #MyOnlyQuestionIs (new)
3. #ge2010 (new)
4. #itwasfununtil (new)
5. #ukvote (new)
6. Justin Bieber (-3)
7. Labour (new)
8. Tory (new)
9. Ohhhweeeee (new)
10. Junsu (new)
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