Want to know what your microblogging friends really think? Check out their "honest" remarks on Twitter on the morning of June 22 as the "#honestyhour" trending topic moves to the top of Twitter's most talked about list.
"I'd rather chill by myself than have company over," "Allowing meritocracy to become a part of your daily routine is dangerous... been there done that, wrong path," "I wish people would talk to me more. I get lonely easily," and "Thanks guys, all these little #honestyhour things are depressing me," say Twitter users sharing their honest thoughts.
"iOS4", the name of Apple's latest i-device operating system (OS) has moved up the charts five places over night and is now sitting in second place. "iOS" also moves up the list. It's currently trending in fourth place as users talk about the newly released OS.
Sports fans (and haters) are filling the charts with terms related to sporting events. The term "#worldcup" moves up two places to third position, "Bafana" (Bafanas is the nickname of the South African football team) is in seventh place, "Vuvuzela" - the name of the blowing horns used by fans at the World Cup - is in eighth place, and the name of the world famous tennis tournament "Wimbledon" is in ninth place.
The name of Filipina singer "Charice" Pempengco has shot into the charts in sixth position after it was confirmed she would have a recurring role on the hit American TV show Glee.
"Oil Spill" slips back into the charts in tenth place.
The top 10 most talked about topics on Twitter on June 22 at 9:30 AM GMT are:
1. #honestyhour (new)
2. iOS4 (+5)
3. #worldcup (+2)
4. iOS (+4)
5. #blackpeoplerules (new)
6. Charice (new)
7. Bafana (new)
8. Vuvuzela (+1)
9. Wimbledon (-3)
10. Oil Spill (new)
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