Wednesday, May 12 is all about first dates say microbloggers on Twitter: "#firstdatethoughts" is the top most talked about topic on the social networking site.
"How did you NOT notice that your NECK is 5 shades DARKER than the makeup you put on your FACE..??", "the more I drink the cuter he gets," "So your ex is a jerk, I get it! Can we go to my place now?" and "hope she likes football or is at least willing to learn" are just some of the things Twitter users say they think after a first date.
The term "#nowplaying" has moved down one place and is now trending at number two.
"#ThankYouJesus" is a new entry on Wednesday's charts, measuring up at number three as people talk about the many things they are thankful to Jesus for.
The "ihatequotes" hashtag has moved back into the charts at number four as people retweet quotes coming from the @ihatequotes user account.
The name of Korean pop group Super Junior's fourth studio album and lead single, "Bonamana" has moved down the charts one place to number five.
The meme "#aslongasyou" is in sixth place, taking over from Canadian singer and Twitter favorite Justin Bieber who has lost one point overnight and is now trending at number seven.
The common term for the UK's Conservative Party, Tory is back in the top ten most talked about topics on May 12 sitting comfortably in eighth place. The name of British Conservative Party leader and the country's new prime minister, David Cameron, is also a topic of discussion on Twitter and is currently in ninth place on the charts.
Breaking news reports of an Afriqiyah Airways Airbus A300-200 plane crash are spreading through the twittersphere this morning. "Afriqiyah Airways" is in tenth place.
The top 10 most talked about topics on Twitter on May 12 at 9:30 AM GMT are:
1. #firstdatethoughts (new)
2. #nowplaying (-1)
3. #ThankYouJesus (new)
4. #ihatequotes (new)
5. Bonamana (-1)
6. #aslongasyou (new)
7. Justin Bieber (-1)
8. Tory (new)
9. David Cameron (new)
10. Afriqiyah Airways (new)
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