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Current Twitter trends: 'Classic movie quotes', Google Wave, 'ain't nothing like'

Relax News
Tuesday 24 November 2009 01:00 GMT
(Alexander Vasilyev)

Quotes from classic movies are the most talked about topic on Twitter on the morning of November 24.

Some of the classic movie quotes being tweeted on the social networking site are, "'How 'bout I draw a line down your head so it looks like a butt?' - Cool Runnings," "'there must be something else to life other than being really really really really good looking' - Zoolander" and "'You shoot me in your dreams, you better wake up and aplogize' - Reservoir Dogs."

The real-time communication tool developed by Google, Google Wave, continues to appear in Twitter's list of most talked about topics on November 24.

Tweets are spread between people asking for invites, those saying they finally received their invite and posts discussing the usefulness of the service.

The term "(ain't nothing like (#aintnothinglike)" is being used by people on Twitter to share their thoughts about things that, in their opinion, can't be compared.

"#aintnothinglike a celebrity acknowledging your tweet. Or any nice person acknowledging your existence for that matter..." says one user.

The top 10 most talked about topics on Twitter on November 24 at 9:30 AM GMT are:

1. #classicmoviequotes (new)
2. Google Wave (+7)
3. #aintnothinglike (-1)
4. New Moon (-1)
5. Thanksgiving (new)
6. Adam Lambert (-2)
7. Goodnight (new)
8. Network Failure (new)
9. Lady Gaga (-1)
10. #musicmonday (-9)

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