Matt Damon advises actors to keep their sexuality private as 'you're a better actor the less people know about you'

Matt Damon said there were rumours that him and good friend, Ben Affleck were in a relationship, following their Oscar win for Good Will Hunting

Olivia Blair
Sunday 27 September 2015 17:25 BST
Matt Damon is known for films including the Bourne series
Matt Damon is known for films including the Bourne series (NIKLAS HALLE'N/AFP/Getty Images))

Matt Damon has suggested actors and actresses should keep their sexuality private, saying “you’re a better actor the less people know about you.”

Damon, 44, told the Guardian: “Whether you’re straight or gay, people shouldn’t know anything about your sexuality because that’s one of the mysteries that you should be able to play.”

He added, he believes it’s “really hard for actors to be out publicly” in Hollywood.

Damon, who won a Best Original Screenplay Oscar in 1998, along with Ben Affleck, for Good Will Hunting recalled how rumours swirled that the two friends were in a relationship simply “because it was two guys who wrote a script together”.

He said the rumours put the pair “in a weird position of having to answer” as they “didn’t want to [imply] it’s some sort of disease.”

Damon cited the example of fellow actor, Rupert Everett saying: “Rupert Everett was openly gay and this guy – more handsome than anybody, a classically trained actor – it’s tough to make the argument that he didn’t take a hit for being out.”

The actor also discussed his support for gay marriage and that he hopes that attitudes towards openly gay film stars are changing.

Damon starred as Scott Thorson, the lover of Liberace in the drama film Behind the Candelabra.

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