Letter from the editor: Here to serve you

We’re less than a month away from the big wedding — that’s Kate and William, not Ed and Justine — and we’ve been pondering how much or how little coverage you’d like in your favourite morning paper.
To that end, we set up an in-house steering committee — and not, as one of my smarter colleagues said, a sneering committee — with a cross-section of ages and genders to discuss matters nuptial. Some opinion polls thus far have indicated that the great British public is not exactly in a state of breathless excitement in advance of the big day. This may well be true, given that there are things of greater consequence to be concerned with at the moment (and I’m not just talking about threat to the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment).
However, as the day approaches when the nation receives a new Princess, there is certain to be a rise in public engagement (forgive the pun) and even those who have a lofty disdain of such affairs will find themselves sucked into an event of national interest, rather as they are when there’s a big World Cup match, or when Andy Murray is in a Wimbledon semi-final. But, of course, we’re here to serve you.
In Britain’s most interactive newspaper, we’ll be steered most definitively by your tastes and wishes. So, let us know what you think. How much is too much? What aspects of the Royal wedding are you interested in? What should be the tone of our coverage? Newspaper editors always try to sense the mood of the nation: I have to say I’m at a loss on this one. Help me out: you may not have an invitation to the wedding, but I’m inviting you to help shape the way we report on it. Dress: Casual!
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