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Letter from the editor: A big thumbs-up


Stefano Hatfield
Friday 22 July 2011 00:00 BST

So, part two of your responses to the “how are we doing?” survey: the things you like.

Trouble is, if I wax too lyrical about how much you all like the weekly My Views of Dominic Lawson, Mark Steel, Christina Patterson and Matthew Norman, or the laugh-out-loud warblings of Deborah Ross, their heads would get too big to get through i Towers’ glass doors.

You also gave a big thumbs-up to Alasdair Fotheringham’s superb coverage of the Tour de France, and the varied pleasures of the Games & Puzzles pages, put together ever so diligently by the irreplaceable Stuart Price (and we all know what happens when Stuart isn’t here to look after the Crossword puzzles in particular).

But it’s undoubtedly the way the news is presented at the front of i that makes the real difference for most of you. This space is too small to thank all those involved under the benign stewardship of The Independent and i’s home and foreign news editors. The way in which i evolves each night out of its mothership The Independent is complex (and inappropriate) to explain, but is a relatively simple, intense and occasionally fraught process once we are doing the doing (OK, it’s not that simple, Mr Managing Director, sir, honest).

But, having studied the Japanese philosophy of Kaizen for at least as long as it took to read the entry on Wikipedia, we are committed to continuous improvement. So you may notice in the coming days a few minor tweaks – some of which we’ve even come up with ourselves without asking you. In truth, we hope you barely notice most of them. Evolution, not revolution. One small problem: I am not sure what to adopt as the company song. Thoughts?

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