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Killer menace of the mobile phone

Michael Streeter
Friday 23 May 1997 23:02 BST

Road safety campaigners yesterday issued a health warning against one of the biggest growth areas in modern motoring with a stark reminder; mobile phones can kill.

After a week in which two tragic cases re-opened the debate over whether drivers should be banned from using the phones while on the move, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents called for the practice to be given the same social stigma as drink driving.

Yesterday businessman Peter Mill, who was using his phone seconds before he killed another driver in a crash, was jailed for six months, having earlier been convicted of causing death by dangerous driving.

On Tuesday a coroner warned of the dangers after an inquest into the death of newspaper journalist Kate Alderson, 28, who had a phone to her ear when her car pulled out into the path of another vehicle.

The Government also announced this week an "urgent" review of how to tackle the growing problem of accidents caused by the habit.

Lady Hayman, the transport minister, said the problem involved both hand-held and hand-free phones, but pointed out in a written Parliamentary answer that there were already laws in place to deal with the matter.

Mr Mill, 34, had been listening to his message service just before he crossed to the wrong side of the road and smashed head-on into a van whose driver Geoffrey Murray, 54, died after the crash in Bracknell, Berkshire, 20 months ago.

Sentencing Mill at Reading Crown Court, Judge Josh Lait made it clear the the effects of using the phone while driving had not been fully established.

He said: "There may well be speculation that using the mobile phone shortly before the bend was a factor that contributed to your not having proper control of your vehicle as you took the bend, but it can be no more than suspicion."

However, Lynn Murray, who was married to Geoffrey Murray, said: "I would hope that the media coverage of this case would help to make people more aware of the dangers of using a hand-held phone while driving.

"I would ask you to all think before you make that call - pull over and stop first."

Earlier this month, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents called for a complete ban on using any car phone while in motion. Yesterday, Dave Rogers, RoSPA' s Road Safety Adviser, said it would be consulting police chiefs and the Government, adding: "This case has powerfully demonstrated the danger of using mobile phones while driving."

A recent survey of 6,000 motorists in Canada suggested that drivers on a mobile phone were four times more likely to be involved in an accident.

Although there are no specific laws , the police do have the power to prosecute for dangerous driving, careless driving, or failure to have "proper control" of a vehicle. This last offence has been used to cover a variety of unusual acts, including motorists shaving, reading and eating toast, as well as using mobile phones.

Some believe the law is inadequate. Last month Mrs Lynda Hudd began civil proceedings against a man using a phone when his car collided with and killed her 11-year-old daughter Rebekka. The driver, David Powell, was fined pounds 250 for careless driving.

The RAC supports the call for greater awareness, but says the emphasis should be on improving the behaviour of drivers rather than banning the use of phones.

Leading article, page 19

Reckless to use it at the wheel

Sue Youngman uses a mobile phone all the time in her work as a public relations executive in London, including in her car to and from meetings.

"For me a mobile phone is not a luxury, it's a fundamental part of my working life. My clients may need to get in touch with me urgently. I leave the phone on, but when I get a call I pull over to the curb to answer it.

She agrees many drivers are reckless when using the phones at the wheel and argues that it is different to talking to a fellow passenger. "It still comes as a shock when the phone rings if you are going around a corner or changing gear. If it's not hands-free you have to take one hand off the wheel."

An essential tool of business

Former traffic policeman Mark Cox drives all around the country in his role as franchise support manager for Abbey Investigations, a nationwide private investigations agency, where a mobile phone is an essential tool of business.

"With the amount of travel I do around the country, I see them all the time, and some are veering all over the road. It's only a matter of time before legislation is brought in."

With his advanced driving training, Mr Cox feels he can drive safely with his hands-free mobile, though he tries to pull over, and encourages franchisees to do the same.

"It's about making people aware of what they're doing."

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