i Editor's Letter: The Year of Saying Sorry


Stefano Hatfield
Thursday 29 December 2011 01:00 GMT

Apparently 2011 has been the Year of Saying Sorry. As I don't wish to apologise to i's John Walsh, I'll take his word for it, and embrace the chance to make a few apologies of my own.

I would like to say sorry to my esteemed colleague Louis, who sits by me. I hope I've not done anything to warrant the apology, but he is an incredibly polite type who always says sorry for things he has no need to, and I should try to redress the balance just a tad.

I'd like to apologise to i's top production whizz Rhodri and our feisty Geordie designer Charlotte, for crimes of banter against the principality and the Geordie nation. Apologies too to all of i's hard-working news team for any dodgy story choices I made.

And, you dear readers? Sorry to those of you who have not had a personal response, when you wrote in. We really do try to make this happen, but it is not possible on every occasion, given just how much our mailbox has grown.

Sorry if you occasionally don't get your i stapled (it should be at all times); or if you can't obtain i at all — please keep writing in to tell us where you are. Sorry to those in the north who complain that their printing is faint. It shouldn't be.

Apologies, too, to supporters of football clubs outside the top six who (like me) feel their club gets scant coverage. I am sorry we can't squeeze in more racecards, TV channels, games and puzzles and match reports, but I am not really that sorry we don't run an astrology chart. This might, of course, be because I am a Scorpio!

Most of all my apologies to all of you for banging on so much in this space. I am sorry for writing at such length. If I had had more time I would have made this briefer!

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