i Editor's Letter: A platform for differing views

Recent i columns have diverted some of your attention away from Scottish matters, notably Simon Kelner's on what he perceives to be the dumbing down of our language. He is back on that subject today (on p16), picking up again on Waterstone's dropping its apostrophe. You care a great deal about this subject, as your frequent admonitions to us prove.
Amol Rajan's column (yesterday's i) criticising Michael Gove's idea for a Diamond Jubilee royal yacht gift also struck a nerve. Most - but not all - of you agree the idea is pure folly in the current economic climate, but more took offence at his excoriation of the Royal Family. I must demur at suggestions Amol be banished for his temerity in stating such views. To newer readers, this is what i is all about: a platform for differing views.
My letter yesterday also elicited a big response. Apparently, I failed to answer enough of your FAQs. So, here we go again: i does publish book reviews (Fridays) but not as many, nor to the length of The Independent - which is a shorthand for most of our coverage, and also our raison d'etre.
No, I cannot see i being able to run even more puzzles. Once again, it comes down to the space constraints in 56 / 64 pages. Ditto, racecards.
Unlike, The Independent, we have a policy of ****ing out swear words, aware that we're being read by many young readers. You all know what those stars represent, anyway.
Next, our apologies to readers who have not been able to obtain a copy of their regular i since the ad campaign broke. Please let us know, so we can try to fix any distribution issue. And, last of all, an old chestnut: thank you, all those new readers requesting a Sunday edition, but we already have an excellent Independent on Sunday, which is more concise than its rivals. Second, we publish a Saturday i already – and we all need a day off!
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