Girl takes overdose over piercing
A SCHOOLGIRL was recovering in hospital last night after taking a drug overdose when she was suspended from school for having her tongue pierced. Karma Daniels, 16, of Hazel Grove, Greater Manchester, has been told she can return to school if she removes the tongue stud.
Bramhhad been sent home from class after copying celebrities like, Spice Girl Mel B, and royal rebel Zara Phillips, just weeks before she was due to take her GCSEs.
She later took 30 paracetemol tablets and was rushed to Stepping Hill Hospital. The troubled teenager had to have her stomach pumped and is still receiving treatment. Doctors expect her to make a full recovery.
The incident occurred on Monday after Karma was suspended from Bramhall High School - the same controversial comprehensive which this week made headlines when a sniffer dog was drafted in to crack down on playground drug dealing.
Headmaster John Peckham told Karma she could return to school but only if the stud was removed. She was found collapsed at home by a family friend who was concerned about her safety.
Today/yesterday(wed) Karma's mum Clair said: "This could not have come at a worse time - Karma I due to take her exams in a few weeks' time, and there were other pupils at school with their tongues pierced. We felt different rules were used for differen t pupils.
"I told Mr Peckham what happened this morning, but he still refuses to let her back."
But Mr Peckham said: "Although we regret this incident the school is not to blame - we have had rules about jewellery since well before I was headteacher.
"We have to stop children doing things in a fit of rashness which they might regret later.
"Karma can have her tongue pierced again when she leaves, all she will have lost is the cost of the piercing - if we let her keep it we would lose our reputation and the expectation that we stick to what we say.
"I think it is daft to make this an issue which is more important than her education."
A spokesman for Stepping Hill Hospital Said: "Karma is still being treated in Hospital and her condition is satisfactory."
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