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Secondary School Tables 2009

Thursday 15 January 2009 01:00 GMT

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A school's value added score is arrived at by predicting what pupils should achieve when they arrive at school at age 11. If – on average – pupils improve on their predicted performance and do better than fellow pupils in similar circumstances, the school will be awarded a score of more than 1,000. If they do worse, it will get less than 1,000.

The average point score for A-level again takes account of all qualifications gained by pupils. An A grade in general or vocational A-level is worth 270 points, B, 240; C, 210; D, 180; and E, 150. The International Baccalaureate is also recognised with a maximum score of 45 being rewarded with 1,380 points.


= Feeder school for sixth-form centres/consortia.
! New institution. Results will be published as N/A (Not Applicable).
< Statistics based on 10 or fewer candidates are suppressed.
AC Academy.
CTC City Technology College.
CY Community school.
CYS Community school with special provision for children with special educational needs.
FD Foundation school.
FDS Foundation special school.
IND Independent school.
INDSS Independent special school.
MODFC College funded by Ministry of defence.
VA Voluntary aided school (usually faith schools which control their own admissions).
VC Voluntary controlled (faith school with admissions controlled by local authority).


COMP Admits all students.
MOD Secondary modern. Admits all students not selected by grammar schools.
SEL State-financed grammar school.
NON SEL Independent school.

Column 1: School or college name
Column 2: Number of 14 to 16-year olds
Column 3: % with five A* to C GCSEs including maths and English
Column 4: % with five A* to C GCSEs in all subjects
Column 5: % with five A* to C GCSEs in one modern foreign language
Column 6: Value Added Score
Column 7: A-level point score per pupil

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ashby Sch 544 60 68 44 998.2 882.6
VC T,L comp mixed 14-18
Beauchamp Coll 501 70 80 53 1006.4 788.8
CY T,AL,LePP,TS comp mixed 14-18
Bosworth Community Coll 473 51 67 13 992.5 721.2
CY Sp comp mixed 14-18
Brooke House Coll 19 0 0 11 - 627.2
Ind - - mixed 13-19
Burleigh Community Coll 404 44 60 34 1007 735.2
CY Sp comp mixed 14-18
Countesthorpe Community Coll 389 50 64 24 994.7 687.3
CY T comp mixed 14-18
De Lisle Catholic Science Coll 223 76 82 42 997.7 913.9
VA Sc,AL comp mixed 11-18
Dixie Grammar Sch 53 0 85 91 - 1008.8
Ind - - mixed 2-18
Groby Community Coll 310 64 73 45 985 686.2
CY L comp mixed 14-19
Guthlaxton Coll 516 42 59 23 995.7 746.9
CY A comp mixed 14-18
Hind Leys Community Coll 256 38 55 15 999.9 770.9
CY A comp mixed 14-18
Jamia Islamia (Islamic Studies Centre) 9 - - - - -
Ind - - boys 10-19
John Cleveland Coll 615 56 64 22 983 804.7
VC Sc comp mixed 14-18
King Edward VII Sch 538 45 59 20 970.9 678.3
CY T,TS comp mixed 11-18
King Edward VII Science and Sport Coll 354 41 57 21 981.6 647.6
CY Sc,Sp comp mixed 14-18
Longslade Community Coll 395 54 73 17 1010.6 787.5
CY T comp mixed 14-18
Loughborough Grammar Sch 164 0 99 94 - 1128
Ind - - boys 9-19
Loughborough High Sch 78 0 100 99 - 1079.5
Ind - - girls 11-18
Lutterworth Coll 640 57 68 34 997.1 786.4
VC T,AL comp mixed 14-19
Manor House Sch 12 75 83 50 -  
Ind - - mixed 4-16
Maplewell Hall Sch           -
CYS - na boys 11-19
Our Lady's Convent Sch 63 87 92 81 - 898.4
Ind - - girls 2-18
Ratcliffe Coll 81 98 98 83 - 738.1
Ind - - mixed 2-18
Rawlins Community Coll 466 57 66 32 998.1 800.6
VC A comp mixed 14-18
Robert Smyth Sch 435 54 65 48 986.8 759.8
CY T,A comp mixed 14-19
Twycross House Sch 34 97 100 91 - 948.9
Ind - - mixed 8-18
Welbeck, The Defence Sixth Form Coll           896.5
MODFC - na - 16+
William Bradford Community Coll 209 23 49 3 983.5 753
CY T comp mixed 14-18
Wreake Valley Community Coll 352 44 59 18 988.9 722.5
CY Sc comp mixed 11-18

>> Full index of local education authorities

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