A-Z of Higher Education Colleges: Liverpool Hope
Liverpool Hope
Age: 114; four in current name.
History: Roots lie in three teacher-training colleges. The first, Warrington Training College, was set up in 1844 by the C of E. Second college was founded by the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1856. Both trained women teachers and were affiliated to new University of Liverpool in early 1900s. Third, Christ's College, was founded as a Catholic training institution in 1964. Colleges combined to form Liverpool Institute of Higher Education. Liverpool Hope name change in 1994.
Address: Main campus in leafy Childwall, four miles from Liverpool centre.
Ambience: Hope Park is lovely 30-acre landscaped site - a mix of Victoriana and Sixties development. New campus at Everton scheduled for completion September 1999, with 188 en-suite study bedrooms. Also a sports complex at Hope Park.
Vital statistics: A total of 3,497 students, one-third of whom are aged over 21 on entry. Degrees validated by University of Liverpool. College has good relationship with university and does not want to award its own degrees. Problem is, it does want to call itself Liverpool Hope University College. But the Government says only colleges with power to award their own degrees can do so. So, college is seeking judicial review. Theology a strong subject area, as is teacher-training. About one-quarter of students train to be teachers. Other degrees include American studies, European studies, health and PE.
Added value: Hope on the Waterfront, computerised- info-centre-cum-cafe at the Albert Dock.
Easy to get into? Minimum of 10 points for teacher-training (C, D at A level); 10-12 points for other degrees.
Glittering alumni: David Alton, MP; Willy Russell, playwright.
Transport links: Easy access to M62 and Speke Airport. Good for trains, coaches and ferries.
Who's the boss? Legal whizz-kid Professor Simon Lee, Brackenbury Scholar at Balliol College, Oxford and a Harkness Fellow at Yale. Appointed to the chair in jurisprudence at Queen's Belfast at the tender age of 31. Nice line in colourful ties.
Teaching: Scored 19 out of 24 in American studies, modern languages and drama, dance and cinematics; 21 in organismal biosciences; and 22 in sociology. In teacher training was rated very good/good in Ofsted's primary sweep. In secondary training rated very good/good in mathematics, good in history, languages, geography and English; good/adequate in music.
Research: Achieved 3b (top grade is 5) in theology in the research assessment exercise.
Financial health: In the black.
Night-life: Lively campus scene. The Derge is the centre of activity.
Cheap to live in? pounds 61 a week for a room in hall with food; pounds 35 for a privately rented room.
Buzz greeting: How's it going, la?
Next week: Newman College.
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