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A-Z OF UNIVERSITIES: University of Abertay Dundee

Lucy Hodges
Wednesday 16 October 1996 23:02 BST

Age: 107

Oh yeah? Well, it's been a centre of learning for 107 years, and a university for two-and-a-half years. It is, in fact, the newest university in the United Kingdom.

What was it before? Dundee Institute of Technology. Before that, Dundee College of Technology, and before that, Dundee Technical College.

Address: Tay estuary, north-east Scotland

Ambience: damp and blowy, wicked beaches, good hill walking and ski slopes close by. Dundee: city of contrasts - old industrial mixes with new hi- tech. Built on hill. Home of three Js: jam, jute and journalism. Dennis the Menace born here. Claims to be among top three intermediate-sized cities in UK for quality of life.

Vital statistics: one of the smallest universities in UK, offering vocational degree and HND courses. Large numbers of overseas students from China, Hong Kong and Malaysia.

Added value: ski club. Women's rugby and women's football. In fact, brilliant sports facilities. Good links with local business.

Easy to get into? easier than some. Entry requirements: BCC at Highers for economics, environmental science and mechanical engineering.

Glittering alumni: Maurice Malpass, assistant manager/player, Dundee United; George Simpson, managing director of GEC; Andy Nichol, Scottish rugby international; David Jones, the boffin who started DMA Designs, which produced Lemmings, one of the best-selling computer games in the world.

Transport links: Takes five to six hours by train from King's Cross, so bring a big book. Change at Edinburgh for Dundee. One hour by road from Edinburgh and Aberdeen. Airport for the well-heeled.

Buzz-words: on the bevvie (on the town); stocious (very drunk)

Who's the boss? Prof Bernard King, an expert in wood (see research strengths below).

Teaching rating: excellent in economics. Satisfactory or highly satisfactory in other subjects.

Research strengths: wood, sewage and biotechnology. Leading authority on Dutch elm disease. Houses Scottish Institute of Wood Technology which spun off company named Woodscam. Latter examines state of decay of timber in ancient buildings.

Financial health: good. In the black on current account. No dipping into reserves.

Night life: lively. Offers everything from ballet to beer. Many groups rose to stardom from local pub scene, notably Deacon Blue and the Associates.

Cheap to live in? Yes. You can get by on pounds 500 a month.

Next week: University of Wales, Aberystwyth

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