Education: Supply teacher spending may rise
The Government is reviewing the financial cap on school spending on supply teachers, Baroness Blackstone, the education minister, disclosed yesterday.
Schools currently are restricted to 20 per cent of their staff budget.
Speaking at Lords question time, she told Lord Dormand of Easington, the former Labour MP and teacher: "We are currently considering the rules covering standards and expenditure and reviewing the maximum of 20 per cent of the central funding that may at present be used for supply cover."
Lord Dormand had warned that the Government's plans for a professional qualification for head teachers could increase the demand for supply teachers.
Lady Blackstone replied that much of the heads' training would be school- based, or on Saturdays and school holidays. The minister added that heads' training would be phased in over several years, starting with new heads, and eventually it would be compulsory for all heads.
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