Pembroke: See you in Chertsey
Christopher Eughster, a former senior director of corporate finance at Kleinwort Benson and now a director of the public relations firm Cardew & Co, caused some confusion yesterday over the location of the board meeting of the pub operator Sycamore Taverns, where he is chairman.
Apparently Mr Eughster got in a little late the previous night, saw on his calendar that the meeting was in Chertsey and so cheerfully headed off there the following morning. Unfortunately, due to a late change of plan the meeting place had been changed and the rest of the board were waiting patiently for their chairman in the company's Piccadilly offices.
'We got together eventually,' sniffed the unamused Mr Eughster. 'It was just a little later than planned.'
Adam Carnegie-Brown is probably quite relieved to be retiring as director of the Money Advice Trust next month after a rather less than successful two-year secondment from Barclays Bank.
The trust, which is chaired by Sir Gordon Borrie, the former director-general of the Office of Fair Trading, was set up three years ago to raise funds from financial institutions to help fund independent debt-counselling services. The plan was to raise up to pounds 3m a year. In fact little more than pounds 1m has trickled in over the trust's three-year lifespan.
Mr Carnegie-Brown plans a return to the City, where he will head the back office of what he describes as 'a small investment firm' in the new year.
The future of the trust is uncertain, pending a strategy review. 'God knows what will happen,' said one trustee.
Morris Leigh, a mere babe in arms at 86, has decided to bow out of Allied London Properties.
Mr Leigh leaves his 60-year-old son, Sir Geoffrey Leigh, as chairman of the group into which he reversed his property interests back in 1970. He has decided not to seek re-election as a director in December. He has also sold his entire holding of 8 million shares, which, at yesterday's closing price of 113p, has netted pounds 9m to comfort him in his retirement.
'He's been working for 70 years and still used to come into the office every day. I think he's just going to enjoy himself,' said Sir Geoffrey.
No wonder David Rowland, the chairman of Lloyd's, was looking more than uncommonly joyful on Wednesday. Not only had he just gained support from members to enable companies to invest in the market, but the previous evening he had learnt that he had become a grandfather for the second time.
Apparently Matthew has been chosen as the name, though no decision has been taken on the mite's investment strategy.
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