Pembroke: No skinny reward
It must be good being Naim Attallah. By day you are chief executive of Asprey's, the upmarket jeweller, where you are surrounded by valuable silverware and gems. By night you slip into author mode and interview the rich and famous - especially rich and famous women.
It was Mr Attallah, you may remember, who penned the brick- sized book Women, based on interviews with 289 members of the fairer sex. He asked them knotty questions like 'What seduces you in a man?'
Since then he has been busy. Whilst guiding Asprey to a full stock market listing, he has been preparing his latest book, More of a Certain Age, the follow-up to last year's Of a Certain Age, a collection of 14 interviews with mature notables like Claus von Bulow, the youngest at 66.
But what still tickles Mr Attallah is the story of Kaiser, the tiger skin he keeps in the Mappin and Webb boardroom in Regent Street, London. When it was stolen during a raid on the store about six years ago Mr Attallah offered a pounds 1,000 reward for its return. The robbers rang up and claimed it.
Andrew Knight, chief executive of News International, the UK arm of Rupert Murdoch's media business, which owns the Sun and the Sunday Times, has been re-arranging his share portfolio.
According to a stock exchange announcement, Mr Knight has sold just over half his shares in the company, which are managed through an offshore Jersey trust.
Observers of Mr Knight's career might remember that there was some resentment in 1990 when he walked away from The Telegraph with pounds 14.5m of share options to join News International. Yesterday's sale should have netted him in the region of pounds 10m.
No inferences to be drawn, apparently. It is simply that the trust was top heavy with News Corp shares. Too many eggs in one basket, kind of thing.
You expect something funky from Kiss FM, the dance music radio station that bills itself as 'the station on everyone's lips'. But the station, now owned by Emap, surpassed itself yesterday when it released its financial results on cassette tape. For the more conventional, the information was also available in standard paper format, fringed in dayglo pink.
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