Greece debt crisis: 15 photos that show what ordinary Greeks think about their government voting yes to Europe

Greeks spoke of a sense of betrayal that their elected prime minister was going back on the results of a referendum held a week earlier

Friday 17 July 2015 11:43 BST
A protester bleeds as he is arrested by riot police following clashes in Athens
A protester bleeds as he is arrested by riot police following clashes in Athens

Last night, the Greek parliament voted through four key reforms with a staggering majority of 229. Only 64 ministers stood against the reforms, half of those from the ruling Syriza party.

But proceedings outside parliament were not so calm and orderly. As parliament voted, Athens burned.

Members of the Communist-affiliated PAME labor union march during an anti-austerity rally
Members of the Communist-affiliated PAME labor union march during an anti-austerity rally
A protester is arrested by riot police following clashes
A protester is arrested by riot police following clashes
Tourists watch as debris burns on the streets following clashes between protestors and riot police
Tourists watch as debris burns on the streets following clashes between protestors and riot police

Police estimate some 12,500 gathered in Athens to protest their government's about turn on European austerity policy.

Tsipras said he knew he'd got the country a bad deal, but that he had no choice but to sign to prevent the Greek financial system from outright collapse.

Riot policemen try to avoid an exploding petrol bomb during clashes
Riot policemen try to avoid an exploding petrol bomb during clashes

Riot policemen stand guard in front of the Greek Parliament during clashes
Riot policemen stand guard in front of the Greek Parliament during clashes

Riot policemen arrest a protester during an anti-austerity protest in front of the Greek parliament
Riot policemen arrest a protester during an anti-austerity protest in front of the Greek parliament

That wasn't good enough for the Greek people. Just before 9.30pm, the protests against turned violent. Petrol bombs were thrown in the city’s central Syntagma Square.

The riot police tried to bring the demonstrations under control with tear gas. Fourteen were arrested, some for violence against police and others for graffiti in the metro stations. It was reported that none of the people arrested were originally from Greece.

A masked youth hurls a petrol bomb to riot police
A masked youth hurls a petrol bomb to riot police

A protester clashes with riot police in front of the Greek Parliament
A protester clashes with riot police in front of the Greek Parliament
Riot police officers run away from fire as anti-austerity protesters throw petrol bombs during clashes
Riot police officers run away from fire as anti-austerity protesters throw petrol bombs during clashes

Greeks spoke of a sense of betrayal that their elected prime minister was going back on the results of a referendum held a week earlier, in which the Greek people had voted overwhelmingly against further austerity.

The following day, once calm had descended on the city again, the wheels of European governance creaked into action.

Protesters raise a Greek flag with a writing reading ''Greece we love you'' during a rally outside the Greek Parliament
Protesters raise a Greek flag with a writing reading ''Greece we love you'' during a rally outside the Greek Parliament

Riot police use teargas in front of the Greek Parliament
Riot police use teargas in front of the Greek Parliament

Protesters clash with riot police in front of the Greek Parliament
Protesters clash with riot police in front of the Greek Parliament

Mario Draghi, president of the ECB, agreed to raise a cap on emergency funding to Greece's banks to €900 million on Thursday - enough to prop up the country's banking system for another week, at least, and may even be enough to see Greek banks open temporarily.

But it can only go ahead if Greece makes a €3.5 billion bond repayment to the ECB on Monday.

Civil servants protest during a 24 hour nationwide strike in Athens on Wednesday
Civil servants protest during a 24 hour nationwide strike in Athens on Wednesday (EPA/ORESTIS PANAGIOTOU)

Riot police run as they disperse protesters during clashes in Athens on July 15
Riot police run as they disperse protesters during clashes in Athens on July 15 (REUTERS/Yannis Behrakis)
A protester bleeds as he is arrested by riot police following clashes in Athens
A protester bleeds as he is arrested by riot police following clashes in Athens

In the longer term, Greece is facing years more austerity in return for a bailout worth up to €86 billion.

Life is not about to get any easier for ordinary Greeks as the consequences of higher pension age, higher VAT and slow economic growth start to be felt.

It seems unlikely that the unrest seen on the streets of Athens on Wednesday will be the last.

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