Business Diary: So near yet so far for Goldman's PC website
Check out Goldman Sachs's new website for a near-perfect example of politically correct inclusivity. "Our people define Goldman Sachs", the site proudly proclaims, with pictures designed to showcase its diversity practices. Men and women from every ethnic group smile out proudly. Still, not everyone is represented. Did Goldman's forget about wheelchair users?
Minority shareholders storm the barriers
Minority shareholders in Arcelor Mittal's Czech subsidiary ArcelorMittal Ostrava, brought their anger at the company to the steel giant's sprawling London HQ yesterday. They accuse Arcelor of draining money out of the unit and have lodged complaints with corruption police back home. The demo, pictured left, was part of an energetic lobbying campaign as the stand-off between the two sides continues. Czech mate? Not yet, but the game's getting interesting.
Don't ask the Scots to pitch for this one
Diageo, the global drinks business, has put its corporate public relations account out for tender. Is it offering danger money? Diageo is at the centre of quite a row over its decision to close a Johnnie Walker plant in Kilmarnock with the loss of several hundred jobs.
McDonald's gives a lesson in austerity
To the England vs. Croatia match at Wembley where, as usual, a sizeable part of the crowd, above, consisted of corporate types being entertained. Some things never change. Guests of McDonald's were in the cheap seats – they're a sensible bunch at the fast-food chain. Guests of Direct Line, by contrast, a subsidiary of mostly taxpayer-owned Royal Bank of Scotland, were in a pricey box.
This summer's real cricketing highlight
At a loose end on Sunday? Check out the annual hacks versus flaks cricket match at Burton's Court in South-West London. Journalists take on the PR industry's finest, all for a good cause. Kudos to Standard Life for sponsoring the match and to Charles Stanley, which is supporting an inaugural rounders match.
Number of the day: 10,000
The number of seasonal jobs that the supermarket chain Asda plans to offer across Britain this Christmas.
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