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Business Diary: It must have been a long lifetime

Monday 08 August 2011 00:00 BST

All this excitement on the markets over the past few days hasnaturally prompted plenty of hyperbole – the sort of breathless commentary inspired by the requirements of rolling news channels trying to keep viewers excited.

We particularly enjoyed the comments of a CNBC analyst yesterday. Asked to sum up his views following another week of financial tumult, the gentleman in question said he had now been through "two once-in-a-lifetime crises".

Not black and white for Tesco

Tesco has found itself in a spot of hot water, reports The Grocer, the trade magazine for the supermarket sector, after acustomer services manager mistakenly wrote to a concerned customer to tell him the supermarket would refuse to do business with any suppliers involved with the badger cull that is planned for England. Tesco avoids politics like the plague, so the intervention in such a sensitive matter was something of a surprise – more predictably, the supermarket's head office is now saying the letter was a mistake.

The wrong poster star for awards?

The Women of the Future Awards sounds like a thoroughly good initiative to us, celebrating, as it does, successful women under the age of 35 with the potential to go on to greater things. Still, is it really wise to solicit nominations for the awards with the strapline "Are you the next Melody Hossaini"? We have nothing against Hossaini here and she is a former winner of the gong – but she is also better known as one of the failed candidates in the latest series of The Apprentice. It's fair to say she got right up Lord Sugar's nose during her time on the show.

Polish poems to ease your nerves

Ping. An email arrives from the European Union – specifically from the delegation from Poland, which has just taken over the rotating presidency of the EU. Presumably, this is a response to the marketmeltdown of the past few days? Maybe it is a road map for steering the EU through financial crisis over the next six months under Polish leadership? No, as it turns out, it's an announcement of a campaign promoting Polish poetry to celebrate the presidency. Priorities, guys?

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