MP seeks inquiry at Guardian
GUARDIAN's life insurance arm attracted further bad publicity yesterday when Alistair Darling, Labour's City spokesman, called for an investigation into its use of policyholders' money to support its sales force, writes Paul Durman.
Mr Darling cited a weekend report that the insurer, which changed its name from Guardian Royal Exchange last week, had invested pounds 36m in GRE Financial Management, a sales company that has run up heavy losses. The money came from the pounds 7bn with-profits fund.
Keith Lugton, a spokesman for the company, said there was no new information in the report and nothing unusual in the financing of the sales division.
Mr Lugton said all insurers set aside part of the premiums they receive from policyholders to cover their expenses. The money used to finance GREFM was drawn from this expenses pool. But because the sales force was established as a separate subsidiary, expenses were more visible than for other companies.
Mr Darling called for an investigation by the Securities and Investments Board. But Mr Lugton said the SIB and other regulators 'know jolly well how a life policy operates. They know what the story is.'
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