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Market report: Taking Stock

Tuesday 30 December 1997 00:02 GMT

Watch Cambridge Mineral Resources, seeking gemstones in Ireland as well as in Spain and Sweden. CMR is known to have found evidence of diamonds in one of its Irish exploration areas. But it is the possibility of corporate action which is intriguing. There is talk of a deal which could transform the company. With its shares at 16.5p CMR is valued at pounds 3.8m.

Premier Asset Management shaded 0.5p to 15.25p. Chairman Lord Stevens, head of United News & Media, has lifted his stake to 6.6 per cent, buying 1.5 million shares at 14p. Presumably the shares were part of the block sold by two former directors. PAM has raised pounds 1.4m by selling its interest in Dares Estates, up 1.5p to 18.5p, to the ex-directors.

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