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Directors share purchases

Sunday 16 November 1997 00:02 GMT

Company Name Amount Price Holding Trans.


Allied London Properties

H.Stanton 50,000 87.00 95,000 43,500

EBC P.Sherwood 20,000 48.00 100,000 9,600

Graystone J.Hall 300,000 34.50 501,703 103,500

N'umbrian Fine Fds

D.Kendall-Smith 155,000 16.00 155,000 24,800

Pilkington W.Knowlton 50,000 135.00 50,000 67,500

Sentry Farming J.Godfrey 83,000 100.00 83,000 83,000

Whitchurch H.Kanabar 60,000 25.50 260,000 15,300

Orb Estates D. Gyllenhammer 15,000 49.00 475,000 7,350

Pilkington P. Scaroni 300,000 132.00 300,000 369,000

Copyright: IOS & Bloomberg

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