1 Losing My Virginity Richard Branson (Virgin) pounds 20
2 Pocket Guide to the Euro Simon Sear (Glogold) pounds 4.99
3 The Little Book of Calm at Work Paul Wilson (Penguin) pounds 2.50
4 Seven Habits of Highly Effective People Stephen R Covey (Simon & Schuster) pounds 10.99
5 Business Studies For You David Needham & Robert Dransfield (Stanley Thornes) pounds 13.50
6 The Crisis of Global Capitalism George Soros (Little, Brown) pounds 17.99
7 The Equal Opportunities Guide Phil Clements & Tony Spinks (Kogan Page) pounds 13.99
8 The One-Minute Manager Kenneth Blanchard & Spencer Johnson (HarperCollins) pounds 5.99
9 How to Win Friends and Influence People Dale Carnegie (Cedar Books) pounds 7.99
10 Anatomy of Decisions
Peter G Moore (Penguin) pounds 8.99 Compiled by Bookwatch Ltd
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