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Bunhill: KGB get oiled up

Russell Hotten
Sunday 19 December 1993 00:02 GMT

The Russian KGB has a new fashion item: green and yellow stickers bearing a red heart and the slogan 'I Love BP'. Since striking oil in the former Soviet Union, BP has been producing its logos in Russian, Azeri and Kazakh.

Apparently they are all the rage among KGB operatives, who have been putting them on the backs of their cars. Don't ask why. BP is as mystified as everyone else.

One would have thought it was a dead giveaway; a bit like Stella Rimmington with an MI5 tattoo on her forehead. But then everyone in the old Soviet states says a KGB officer is easily spotted from 50 paces anyway. What was it Churchill said about Russia being a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma?

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